
  • Mohammad Saipol Mohd Sukor Fakulti Pengurusan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Ishak Mad Shah Fakulti Pengurusan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Humor is a familiar element that exists in student’s daily communication and behavior. Despite support from previous studies on the benefits of humor to the student’s well-being, there is a gap of research on the humor styles behavior differences based on demographic factor, particularly among post-graduate students. Therefore, this study was conducted in order to identify the level and differences of humor styles behavior based on demographic factor. For this purpose, a total of 108 postgraduate students in the Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) become sample of the study. The instrument used to measure humor styles behavior is The Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ). The current study found that affiliative humor was the highest among postgraduate students in the Faculty of Management. Followed by self-enhancing humor and selfdefeating humor. While the aggressive humor was the least done by students. In addition, the study found that there was nationality difference in affiliative humor and gender difference in aggressive humor among students. Overall, this study provides information on the demographic factors that explain the differences of humor styles behavior of students. It is an important added value in promoting humor among students and to build a more cheerful and positive learning environment in the university.


Humor merupakan elemen yang tidak asing dalam komunikasi dan tingkahlaku harian pelajar. Disebalik sokongan kajian-kajian lepas mengenai kelebihan humor terhadap kesejahteraan hidup pelajar, terdapat jurang kajian yang mengenalpasti perbezaan gaya tingkahlaku humor berdasarkan faktor demografi, khususnya dalam kalangan pelajar pasca ijazah. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti tahap dan perbezaan gaya tingkahlaku humor berdasarkan faktor demografi. Untuk tujuan tersebut, sebanyak 108 orang pelajar pasca ijazah di Fakulti Pengurusan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) telah menjadi sampel kajian. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur gaya tingkahlaku humor ialah Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ). Hasil kajian mendapati humor afiliatif adalah yang paling tinggi dilakukan oleh pelajar pasca ijazah di Fakulti Pengurusan. Kemudian diikuti dengan humor self-enhancing dan humor self-defeating. Manakala humor agresif adalah yang paling kurang dilakukan oleh pelajar. Selain itu, kajian ini mendapati humor afiliatif berbeza berdasarkan kewarganegaraan pelajar. Manakala humor agresif berbeza berdasarkan jantina pelajar. Secara keseluruhannya, kajian ini menyediakan maklumat mengenai faktor demografi yang menjelaskan perbezaan gaya tingkahlaku humor dalam kalangan pelajar. Ianya merupakan suatu nilai tambah yang penting dalam usaha menggalakkan humor dalam kalangan pelajar dan membina suasana pembelajaran yang lebih ceria dan positif.


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How to Cite

Mohd Sukor, M. S., & Mad Shah, I. (2017). GAYA TINGKAHLAKU HUMOR DALAM KALANGAN PELAJAR PASCA IJAZAH FAKULTI PENGURUSAN. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 14(3). Retrieved from


