Rumah Komuniti: Program Pemulihan Penagih Separa Pulih


  • Ruhani Mat Min Universiti Malaysia Terengganu



Community Caring House (CCH) or Rumah Komuniti is a rehabilitation program in the community. A total of five Community Caring House participated in this research. There are six groups of people that related to the program at Community Caring House (CCH) participated in this research. The groups are (i) partial recovering drug user, (ii) a significant family member of partial recovering drug user, (iii) the employer of partial recovering drug user, (iv) peer mentors, (v) the chairman of the Community Caring House (CCH), and (vi) member of the nearby community. Selection of research participants were conducted based on respondent driven sampling technique, which is the selected participants will introduced their family members and the employers. A total of 58 research participants involved in this study. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, and 71 interviews were conducted with the research participants. All the participants engaged in an interview session lasted between one hour to one and half hours. Meanwhile, partial recovering drug user engaged in two series of interview, and each of the interview lasted between one hour to one and half hours. The findings indicated that there was a difference in the implementation of the Community Caring House. The community has poor awareness on the existence of Community Caring House. The Community Caring 2 House has impacted related people, and positive as well as negative impact of activities were discussed.


Rumah Komuniti merupakan program pemulihan penagihan dadah dalam masyarakat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka kesan Rumah Komuniti terhadap penagih separa pulih yang mengikuti program yang dianjurkan. Lima Rumah Komuniti di Pantai Timur dipilih sebagai tempat kajian. Terdapat enam kumpulan yang berhubung secara langsung dengan perkhidmatan di Rumah Komuniti terlibat dalam kajian. Enam kumpulan berkenaan terdiri daripada, (i) penagih dadah separa pulih, (ii) ahli keluarga penagih dadah separa pulih, (iii) majikan kepada penagih dadah separa pulih, (iv) PRS (Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya), (v) pengerusi Rumah Komuniti, dan (vi) ahli masyarakat sekitar. Data dikumpul secara temubual separa struktur. Pemilihan sampel kajian secara respondent driven sampling, iaitu sampel yang dipilih akan mencadang dan memperkenalkan majikan serta ahli keluarganya untuk terlibat dalam kajian yang dijalankan. Seramai 58 orang peserta kajian terlibat dalam kajian ini dan 71 sesi temubual telah dijalankan. Kesemua kumpulan peserta kajian melalui satu sesi temubual yang berlangsung antara satu jam hingga satu setengah jam, kecuali kumpulan penagih dadah separa pulih yang melalui dua sesi temubual. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan pelaksanaan Rumah Komuniti. Kesedaran masyarakat mengenai kewujudan Rumah Komuniti adalah rendah. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa program semasa di Rumah Komuniti mempunyai pelbagai kesan terhadap penagih dadah separa pulih. Kesan positif dan kesan negatif impak daripada aktiviti Rumah Komuniti dibincangkan.


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How to Cite

Mat Min, R. (2017). Rumah Komuniti: Program Pemulihan Penagih Separa Pulih. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 11(1,2). Retrieved from


