Tekanan kerja, motivasi dan kepuasan kerja tentera laut armada tentera laut diraja Malaysia


  • Nor Liyana Mohd Bokti Fakulti Ekologi Manusia Universti Putra Malaysia
  • Mansor Abu Talib Fakulti Ekologi Manusia Universti Putra Malaysia



The main purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between work stress and motivation towards job satisfaction among Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) afloat, Naval Base Lumut. The sample consisted of 120 Navy staffs selected through the proportionate stratified random sampling from seven RMN ships. The measurement of work stress, motivation and job satisfaction were adopted from the Quantitative Workload Scale, Task Evaluation Questionnaire and Job Satisfaction Survey respectively. Result indicated that majority of the respondents were perceived as having moderate level of work stress (88%), motivation (81%) and job satisfaction (69%). The finding also revealed that frequencies of military operation were significantly related to motivation (r =.273, p≤.01) and job satisfaction (r =.267, p≤.01) among RMN afloat. On the other hand, this study also found a significant relationship between work stress (r =-.344, p≤.01) and motivation (r =.457, p≤.01) with job satisfaction among respondents. For that reason, organization must promote psychological health among troops and motivate through team oriented program while enhancing human resource management through the Divisional System (group counseling approaches). Perceived fairness in the form of fringe benefit and organizational reward can lead to job satisfaction, besides reducing conflict with organization policies thus provides sufficient training for job enrichment.


Kajian ini bertujuan menentukan perkaitan antara tekanan kerja dan motivasi dengan kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan anggota Tentera laut di Armada Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), Tambatan Pangkalan Lumut. Sampel kajian melibatkan 120 anggota Tentera laut yang dipilih melalui persampelan rawak berlapis berkadar daripada tujuh buah kapal TLDM. Alat pengukuran bagi tekanan kerja, motivasi dan kepuasan kerja adalah melalui Quantitative Workload Scale, Task Evaluation Questionnaire dan Job Satisfaction Survey masingmasingnya. Hasil kajian menunjukkan, majoriti responden mempunyai tahap tekanan kerja (88%), motivasi (81%) dan kepuasan kerja (69%) yang sederhana. Selain itu, kajian ini juga mendapati kekerapan menjalani kerja luar mempunyai perkaitan yang signifikan dengan motivasi (r =.273, p≤.01) dan kepuasan kerja (r =.267, p≤.01). Kajian ini juga mendapati terdapat perkaitan antara tekanan kerja (r =-.344, p≤.01) dan motivasi (r =.457, p≤.01) dengan kepuasan kerja. Justeru itu, organisasi harus mempertingkat kesihatan psikologi anggota tentera dan meningkatkan motivasi melalui program penerapan semangat berpasukan selain daripada meningkatkan pengurusan sumber manusia dengan aplikasi Sistem Divisyen (pendekatan kaunseling kelompok). Keadilan dalam hak terhadap faedah sampingan dan penghargaan organisasi akan menjurus kepada kepuasan kerja. Di samping itu, organisasi harus mengurangkan konflik berhubung polisi organisasi dan memberikan kursus-kursus untuk peningkatan prestasi.


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How to Cite

Mohd Bokti, N. L., & Abu Talib, M. (2017). Tekanan kerja, motivasi dan kepuasan kerja tentera laut armada tentera laut diraja Malaysia. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 8(1). Retrieved from https://jurnalkemanusiaan.utm.my/index.php/kemanusiaan/article/view/72


