
  • Heamalatha Krishnan Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor
  • Siti Rahmah Awang Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor


Emotional Intelligence (EI) emerged in the 1990s as an ability-based construct comparable to general intelligence. However, later two different types of EI have emerged and they are “trait EI†and “mixed model EIâ€. EI can be defined as the ability to identify, express, understand, manage, and use emotions. The benefits of EI are many in both personal and professional success. The workplace represents a distinct social community and it has a growing appreciation that higher EI allows a person to understand themselves and others better, communicate more effectively, and cope better with challenging situations. EI has become a key factor in educational environment, which contributes to the improvement of teaching practice, enhance health and mental well-being of teachers, and has an impact on students’ educational development. This article presents an overview of the models of EI and includes a discussion on how and why the EI concept are important for Malaysian teachers.


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How to Cite

Krishnan, H., & Awang, S. R. (2020). ROLE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN TEACHING. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 18(1). Retrieved from


