Isu terkini dalam bidang kerja sosial wajar diberikan tumpuan sebagai langkah check and balance kesan daripada kewujudan program pendidikan kerja sosial di Malaysia. Oleh itu, artikel ini membincangkan tentang konsep sebenar, dan rangkaian isu kritikal dalam profesion kerja sosial di Malaysia serta cadangan dalam memperkasakan bidang kerja sosial di Malaysia. Antara isu utama yang telah disentuh oleh penulis adalah ketiadaan piawaian pendidikan kerja sosial, ketiadaan akta kerja sosial, ketiadaan jawatan sebagai pekerja sosial, isu pendidikan kerja sosial di universiti awam, dan isu kompetensi graduan kerja sosial. Manakala rangkaian alternatif seperti penubuhan Joint Consultative Council on Social Work Education (JCCSWE), penubuhan akta kerja sosial, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia memperkenalkan jawatan pekerja sosial, penyelarasan kurikulum pendidikan kerja sosial yang seragam, dan penjenamaan semula (rebranding) modul soft skill terhadap pelajar turut dinyatakan. Pelbagai pihak seperti pendidik, pentadbir, penggubal polisi, dan pengamal kerja sosial perlu mencipta kolaborasi yang erat dalam memperkasakan bidang kerja sosial di Malaysia.
Aronson, J., & Smith, K. (2011). Identity work and critical social service management: Balancing on atightrope?. British Journal of Social Work, 41(3), 432-448.
Bay, E. (2011). Mild traumatic brain injury: a midwest survey about the assessment and documentation practices of emergency department nurses. Advanced emergency nursing journal, 33(1), 71-83.
Butler, J. (2013). Excitable speech: A politics of the performative. Routledge.
Cournoyer, B. R. (2013). The Social Work Skills Workbook. Belmont: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
Crabtree, A. S. (2005). Medical social work in Malaysia: Issues in practice. International Social Work 48(6): 732-741.
Dominelli, L. (1996). Human rights in social work practice. Challenges in human rights: A social work perspective, 16.
Evetts, J. (2013). Professionalism: Value and ideology. Current Sociology, 61(5-6), 778-796.
Gambrill, E. (2012). Social work practice: A critical thinker's guide. Oxford University Press.
Gray, M. & Coates, J. (2010). Indigenization’ and knowledge development: Extending the debate. International Social Work 53(5): 613- 627.
Jones, D. N., & Truell, R. (2012). The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: A place to link together and be effective in a globalized world. International Social Work, 55(4), 454-472.
Kee, L. H. (2007). Indigenising Social Work: Research and Practice in Sarawak. Petaling Jaya: Strategic Information and Research Development Centre.
MacDonald, A. (2010). Globalization and the regulation of social work practice in Canada. (PhD Thesis, University of Calgary). [3 Jun 2013]
Robinson, K. (2013). Voices from the front line: Social work with refugees and asylum seekers in Australia and the UK. British Journal of social work, 44(6), 1602-1620.
Saparin, N. H. B. (2014). Malay Muslim Worldviews: Some thoughts for social work practice in Singapore. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 33(1), 73-94.
Sinnasamy, M. (2006). Human resource development on social work: A study in Malaysia. Kerta Kerja Siri WP-2006-01-E, Persatuan Pekerja Sosial Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: MASW.
Smith, J. A. (2003). Reflecting on the development of interpretative phenomenological analysis and its contribution to qualitative resear in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology, 1(1), 39-54.
Syamsuddin, S., & Azman, A. (2012). Memahami Dimensi Spiritualitas dalam Praktek Pekerjaan Sosial. Sosio Informa.
West, D., & Heath, D. (2011). Theoretical pathways to the future: Globalization, ICT and social work theory and practice. Journal of Social Work, 11(2), 209-221.
Zastrow, C. (2014). Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare. Cengage Learning.