Globalisation, Business, And Environmental Management: To Correct The Broken Compass?


  • Low Hock Heng Department of Management University Teknologi Malaysia



Environmental Management (PAS) is a proposal that is often raised in answer to the question on the depletion of natural resources which incrasingly becoming serious. Discussion on this topic focused on the purposes of PAS in the context of a business; and had generated a variety of views Some scholars such as Porter and Vand Der Linde (1995) and Frosch and Gallapoulos (1992) argues that PA can enhance the ability of firms to compete. This opinion was contradicted by researchers like Walley and Whitehead (1994). The issue of these differences must be resolved to enable PAS to be given more attention by the managers of the firm. Model of the operating costs needs to be revised. Environmental resources can not be ignored in determining the operation cost of the firms. Failure to take into account the cost management has resulted in wastage of these resources. Management decisions regarding savings must also consider the effects of long-term savings and more environmentally friendly. Therefore, the time has come for us to change the firm profit model that have been adopted over the years.



Pengurusan Alam Sekitar (PAS) merupakan cadangan yang sering diutarakn bagi menjawab persoalan mengenai penghakisan sumber-sumber alam yang semakin hari semakin serius. Perbincangan mengenai tajuk ini memfokuskan kepada maksud PAS dalam konteks perniagaan yang menjana pelbagai pandangan yang amat berbeza oleh pengkaji-pengkaji. Sesetengah pengkaji seperti Porter dan Van Der Linde (1995) serta Frosch dan Gallapoulos (1992) berpendapat bahawa PAS dapat meningkatkan lagi keupayaan firma untuk bersaing. Pendapat ini pula disangkal oleh pengkaji seperti Walley dan Whitehead (1994). Isu mengenai perbezaan pandangan ini perlulah diselesaikan bagi membolehkan PAS diberi lebih perhatian oleh pengurus-pengurus firma. Model peentuan kos operasi dari konteks perniagaan perlu diperbaiki. Sumber-sumber alam sekitar tidak boleh diketepikan dalam penetuan kos operasi firma-firma. Kegagalan pengurusan mengambil kira kos ini telah mengakibatkan pembaziran sumber-sumber ini. Keputusan pengurusan mengenai penjimatan juga perlu mengambil kira kesan penjimatan jangka panjang yang lebih mesra alam. Oleh itu, telah sampai masanya bagi kita mengubah model penetuan keuntungan firma yang telah diguna pakai sejak sekian lama.


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How to Cite

Heng, L. H. (2017). Globalisation, Business, And Environmental Management: To Correct The Broken Compass?. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 1(1). Retrieved from


