Supervisor Communication and Motivation to Learn as a Predictor of Positive Individual Attitudes and Behaviors: A Study in One City-Based Local Authority
ABSTRACTHuman resource development literature highlights that the ability of supervisor to use good communication styles in training programs may motivate positive individual attitudes and behaviors (i.e., transfer of competency and job performance). Further, a careful observation of such relationships reveals that the effect of supervisor communication on individual attitudes and behaviors is indirectly affected by motivation to learn. The nature of this relationship is less emphasized in past research studies. Therefore, this study was conducted to gather data from 100 technical employees in one city-based local authority in East Malaysia (EMCBLAUTHORITY). Outcomes of stepwise regression analysis showed that relationship between motivation to learn and supervisor communication had been an important predictor of transfer of competency and job performance. This result confirms that motivation to learn does act as a full mediating role in the training model of the organizational sample. In addition, implications and limitations of the study, as well as directions of future research are discussed.
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