Budaya Sekolah: Implikasi Terhadap Proses Pembelajaran Secara Mengalami (SCHOOL CULTURE: IMPLICATIONS FOR LEARNING BY EXPERIENCE PROCESS)
This qualitative study aimed at investigating effects of school culture towards trainee counsellors’ learning experience during their counselling practicum at schools. Practical counselling is an exercise that must be undertaken by a counsellor trainee in order to be graduated from the training program. Practicum experiences at school will enable trainee counsellors to provide counselling services with real clients. Ten trainee counsellors involved in this study were placed in nine different schools. Data were collected through series of interviews with counsellors’ coach during the beginning, middle and at the end of the practicum counselling. They were also involved in writing a weekly diary. Observations and related documents analysis were conducted by researchers. The results showed that the learning process of trainee counsellor is related to the culture practiced by schools. There are two main cultures that are practiced in schools, which are accepting counselling services as one of the activities that support the development of students and secondly, full rejection of the counselling services. These rejections were due to issues concerning non-readiness, lack of respect and lack of cooperation. Trainee counsellors experienced many challenges within the school environment, but they obtained satisfaction when they completed the given tasks.
Kajian kualitatif ini bertujuan melihat kesan budaya sekolah terhadap pengalaman pembelajaran yang dilalui oleh kaunselor pelatih semasa menjalani praktikum kaunseling di sekolah. Praktikum kaunseling merupakan latihan praktis yang perlu dilalui bagi membolehkan seorang kaunselor pelatih bergraduat dari program latihan yang diikutinya. Pengalaman menjalani praktikum di sekolah membolehkan kaunselor pelatih mengendalikan perkhidmatan kaunseling dengan klien yang sebenar. Sepuluh orang kaunselor pelatih yang ditempatkan di sembilan buah sekolah yang berbeza terlibat di dalam kajian ini. Data dikumpulkan melalui siri temubual bersama kaunselor pelatih, iaitu di permulaan, pertengahan dan di akhir praktikum kaunseling. Mereka juga terlibat dalam penulisan diari secara mingguan. Pemerhatian dan kajian dokumen berkaitan dilakukan oleh penyelidik. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa proses pembelajaran yang dilalui oleh kaunselor pelatih berkaitan dengan budaya yang diamalkan oleh sesebuah sekolah. Terdapat dua budaya yang utama dipraktiskan di sekolah, iaitu menerima perkhidmatan kaunseling sebagai salah satu aktiviti yang menyokong perkembangan pelajar dan kedua, tidak menerima sepenuhnya perkhidmatan kaunseling. Ekoran tidak menerima berkenaan berlaku isu ketidaksediaan, kurang menghormati dan kurang kerjasama. Kaunselor pelatih menghadapi pelbagai cabaran semasa berada di persekitaran sekolah, walaupun begitu mereka juga memperolehi kepuasan, khususnya apabila dapat menyelesaikan tugasan yang telah ditetapkan.
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