Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Komitmen Pekerja di Organisasi Awam
This study looks at employee behavior related to their commitment towards an organization. The researchers analyzed the significant relationship between independent variables such as demographics, psychological factors and organizational factors with workers’ commitment towards the organization. The research was conducted by using questionnaires that were received from 113 civil servants in several government departments. The study found that the overall average for employee commitment towards organization was only at moderate level i.e. at an average of 58.4 percent. The element consisting of level of education in the demographic variable was found to have a positive correlation at a confidence level of 0.05 for employee commitment towards organization, whereas other demographic elements such as age, marital status, duration of employment and salary did not show a significant correlation on employee commitment towards organization. The psychological variable also showed significant positive correlation for employee commitment towards organization at a confidence level of 0.01. The correlation between the organizational variable with employee commitment also showed positive correlation at a confidence level of 0.01.
Kajian ini melihat gelagat pekerja tentang komitmen terhadap organisasi. Penyelidik menganalisis hubungan signifikan di antara angkubah bebas seperti faktor demografik, faktor psikologi dan faktor organisasi dengan komitmen pekerja terhadap organisasi. Kajian dijalankan dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik yang diterima daripada 113 kakitangan awam di beberapa jabatan kerajaan. Kajian mendapati bahawa purata keseluruhan bagi komitmen pekerja terhadap organisasi hanya berada di tahap sederhana iaitu pada kadar 58.4 peratus. Elemen tahap pendidikan dalam angkubah demografik didapati mempunyai hubungan korelasi positif pada aras keyakinan 0.05 kepada komitmen pekerja terhadap organisasi, manakala elemen-elemen demografik lain seperti usia, status perkahwinan, tempoh perkhidmatan dan pendapatan tidak menunjukkan hubungan korelasi yang signifikan ke atas komitmen pekerja terhadap organisasi. Angkubah psikologi pula menunjukkan tahap hubungan korelasi positif kepada komitmen pekerja terhadap organisasi pada aras keyakinan 0.01. Korelasi angkubah organisasi dengan komitmen pekerja pula menunjukkan tahap hubungan korelasi positif pada aras keyakinan 0.01.
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