
  • AZMAN ISMAIL Fakulti Sains Kognitif & Pembangunan Manusia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • KAMSIAH HASBULLAH Fakulti Sains Kognitif & Pembangunan Manusia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • RIZAL ABU BAKAR Fakulti Sains Kognitif & Pembangunan Manusia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • RUSLI AHMAD Fakulti Sains Kognitif & Pembangunan Manusia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • ADANAN MAD JUNOH Fakulti Pengurusan & Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.



The literature on mentor programs explains that communication practices between mentor and mentee done in a manner that is active, planned and honest can shape the attitudes and behaviors of individuals positively. The effect of communication practices between mentor and mentee on the individual attitude and behavior (self-leadership and performance in studies) is not clear on whether the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities occur in a mentor’s program. Based on proof in this literature, a conceptual framework was constructed and tested by using the methods of interview and questionnaire. The findings of the study were successfully derived from 100 questionnaires of students who were enrolled in third semester programs of the 2005/2005 session in a public university of East Malaysia. The hypothesis was tested using the results of hierarchical moderated regression analysis, which showed that the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities only increased the effects of communication practices between mentor and mentee in relation to self-leadership. It failed to increase the effects of communication practices between mentor and mentee on performance in studies. The findings of the study revealed that the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities act as partial moderators in the relationship between mentor-mentee’s communications and individual attitude and behavior. Consequently, the study has implications with regards the theory and practices of mentors, limitations on theoretical framework and research methodology, as well as the directions of future research.



Literatur program mentor menerangkan bahawa amalan komunikasi antara mentor dan mente yang dilakukan secara aktif, terancang dan jujur boleh membentuk sikap dan tingkah laku individu yang positif. Kesan amalan komunikasi antara mentor dan mente ke atas sikap dan tingkah laku individu (kepimpinan diri dan prestasi pengajian) adalah tidak jelas sekiranya pemindahan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan kebolehan berlaku dalam program mentor. Berdasarkan bukti literatur ini, satu kerangka konseptual telah dibina dan diuji menggunakan kaedah temuduga dan borang soal selidik. Hasil kaji selidik telah berjaya menggumpul 100 borang soal selidik daripada pelajar yang mengikuti program pengajian pada semester tiga sesi 2004/2005 di sebuah universiti awam di Malaysia Timur. Keputusan ujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi hirarki moderasi telah menunjukkan bahawa pemindahan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan kebolehan hanya meningkatkan kesan amalan komunikasi antara mentor dan mente ke atas kepimpinan diri. Ia gagal meningkatkan kesan amalan komunikasi antara mentor dan mente ke atas prestasi pengajian. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa pemindahan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan kebolehan bertindak sebagai moderator separuh dalam hubungan di antara komunikasi antara mentor dan mente dengan sikap dan tingkah laku individu. Justeru itu, implikasi kajian ini terhadap teori dan amalan mentor, limitasi kerangka teori dan kaedah penyelidikan, serta arah tuju kajian akan datang.


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