
  • Junainah Mohd. Som Fakulti Perakaunan dan Pengurusan Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail Fakulti Pengurusan dan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



This article explores the relationship between the construct of work environment with that of organizational innovation. The research was conducted in three government research institutions (GRI) that was involved in research and development (R&D) related to agricultural sciences. The respondents consisted of 170 research officers who responded to questionnaires on organizational innovation (Tang, 1999). The multiple regression analysis recorded the value R2 i.e., 0.69 (greater than 0.50) and overall five of its key constructs, namely: support, information and communication, leadership, project implementation and project development have confidence level of 69 percent on the organizational innovation study for the GRIs that were researched. From the said model, it was found that only the support staff was able to influence organizational innovation at 56 percent. The findings of the multiple regression test and Pearson correlation test showed that the support construct has a strong correlation with organizational innovation.


Artikel ini meninjau hubungan antara konstruk persekitaran kerja dengan keinovasian organisasi. Kajian dijalankan ke atas tiga buah institusi penyelidikan awam (GRI) yang terlibat dengan penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) sains pertanian. Responden terdiri daripada 170 pegawai penyelidik yang telah menjawab soal selidik keinovasian organisasi (Tang, 1999). Analisis regresi berganda telah mencatatkan nilai R2 iaitu 0.69 (melebihi 0.50) dan secara keseluruhannya, kelima-lima konstruk utama iaitu konstruk sokongan, informasi dan komunikasi, kepimpinan, pelaksanaan projek dan pembangunan projek mempunyai pengaruh sebanyak 69 peratus ke atas kajian keinovasian organisasi di GRI yang dikaji. Dari model ini, didapati konstruk sokongan sahaja mampu mempengaruhi keinovasian organisasi sebanyak 56 peratus.  Hasil ujian regresi berganda dan ujian kolerasi Pearson menunjukkan bahawa konstruk sokongan mempunyai hubungan yang kuat dengan keinovasian organisasi.


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How to Cite

Mohd. Som, J., & Wan Ismail, W. K. (2017). KEINOVASIAN ORGANISASI DI INSTITUSI PENYELIDIKAN AWAM. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 3(2). Retrieved from


