Motivasi Latihan Sebagai Pembolehubah Penghubung Antara Program Latihan dan Keberkesanan Latihan


  • Azman Ismail Fakulti Sains Kognitif dan Pembangunan Manusia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Nurul Inani Ibrahim Fakulti Sains Kognitif dan Pembangunan Manusia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak



Literature on designing and training management highlighted that the training program has two main elements: training related duties and preparation of training framework. If both of these training elements are conducted systematically, it can improve the effectiveness of training. More importantly, the study conducted recently revealed that the effect of the training program on training effectiveness is indirectly influenced by motivational training. The nature of this relationship is less emphasized in models of existing training programs. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of training program and training motivation on training effectiveness. A survey method was used to collect 150 questionnaires completely filled out by employees who serve in an agency of the Sarawak state government. Results of ‘stepwise’ regression analysis indicate that the relationship between the training program and training motivation has a significant relationship with the training effectiveness. This finding confirms that training motivation act as an effective intervening variable in the organization’s training program model. Thus, the implications of this study on the theory and training practices, conceptual framework and methodological limitations, and recommendations future research will also be emphasized in this study.



Literatur pengrekaan dan pengurusan latihan mengenengahkan bahawa program latihan mempunyai dua elemen utama: latihan berkaitan dengan tugas dan penyediaan rangka latihan. Sekiranya kedua-dua elemen latihan ini dilaksanakan secara teratur, ia dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan latihan. Yang lebih penting, kajian yang dilaksanakan baru-baru ini mendedahkan bahawa kesan program latihan ke atas keberkesanan latihan dipengaruhi secara tak langsung oleh motivasi latihan. Sifat perhubungan ini kurang diberi penekanan dalam model-model program latihan sedia ada. Oleh itu, kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji kesan program latihan dan motivasi latihan ke atas keberkesanan latihan. Kaedah tinjauan telah digunakan untuk mengumpul 150 borang soalselidik yang diisi dengan lengkap daripada pekerja yang berkhidmat di sebuah agensi kerajaan negeri Sarawak. Keputusan analisis regresi “stepwise†menunjukkan bahawa perhubungan antara program latihan dan motivasi latihan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan keberkesanan latihan. Dapatan ini mengesahkan bahawa motivasi latihan bertindak sebagai pembolehubah mencelah yang berkesan dalam model program latihan di organisasi kajian. Justeru itu, implikasi kajian ini terhadap teori dan amalan latihan, batasan kerangka konseptual dan metodologi, serta cadangan kajian akan datang turut diberi perhatian dalam kajian ini.


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How to Cite

Ismail, A., & Ibrahim, N. I. (2017). Motivasi Latihan Sebagai Pembolehubah Penghubung Antara Program Latihan dan Keberkesanan Latihan. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 8(2). Retrieved from


